Saturday, April 25, 2009

To all our Johnson Family

Thought we would let you all know that we have made arrangements for the "2nd Annual Johnson reunion"

We got reserved the "Friendship campground" up Left-Hand (Logan Canyon) for Friday, July 31st - Sunday, August 2nd, 2009.

We are looking forward to having it again - We will get back with everyone on more information but keep the dates in mind.

Jim & Tammy

Cody school project video

Cody was doing a school/project on "How to Ride a 4-Wheeler". Well it ended up being a "How Not to Ride a 4-Wheeler." Just kidding, he crashed and ended up with a minor concusion, many scrapes, black eye and stiff. He was very lucky, he was uncontious for about 15 - 20 minutes, then in and out for about an hour and a half. The CT Scan came back no broken bones. He is doing good now and even went to school the next day!!!!

We feel very Blessed to have him not injured more than he was!!!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Wow a new year Already!!!

All is well and another year came & went.

Take care everyone & try to add something new to the Blog if you get a chance, would love to hear from some of you!!!!!

It was great to see the Christmas Eve pictures. Val and I are doing well. Still in an apartment in SLC just waiting. Hope everyone is doing well. Love ya. Jeanette