Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hey to all the Families,
School is going fine, but definetly different than we thought. But it's fun getting refreshed on some of the Fractions & Grammar... Kind of Enjoying it - Wow Huh!!
Hope all is doing Good....
Halloween is Just around the Corner!!!!!!!!!
Can't wait - Booooooo.....


Jeanette said...

I did not know that you guys had started school. Way to go. What days do you go? Good luck on the grammar. It is not my favorite subject.

Jim and Tam J. :-} Smile said...

We are going to Brigham now doing the refresher Courses, We are calling it our Preschool HAHA!!
We go 10 - 12 hours a week, started last week & will probably be 6 - 8 weeks then we can start our actual classes.