Saturday, July 26, 2008


Hey all.

We have had such a wonderful two weeks with Brandon and Melissa's Wedding. We appreciate all of your support and love. They are a wonderful couple and we love them very much.

Remember October 25th for Denise and Brandon's wedding.

Hey lets load up on the pirate ships and set sail for some fun matey's.

the new happilied married couple here

Brandon and me are doing really well and we want to thak everyone who came to the wedding and the reception. We both thank you all so very much for your support and the thoughtful gifts that you guys gave us! thank you so much!
~Missy & Brandon

Friday, July 25, 2008

All doing well in our family & Looking forward to the Reunion.

Ya Camping!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Getting Started

Hi Guys,

We have been a little busy with stuff. We will add some wedding pictures as soon as possible.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Little Monkeys Pictures

Baby Ian

Ian went back to Primary Childrens Hospital. Let us all know what we can do to help.

Brandons and Missy's wedding

How about sending us a picture of the bride and groom. Or do we have to wait until Friday night to see the brides dress.

testing testing

Mom, you can create your own messages by clicking on "new post" in the upper right corner of the window. This will take some getting used to for us computer retards but I'm excited that you started it. Love you all Johnson family.


Brandons and Missys Wedding

I hear that Brandon and Missy had a beautiful wedding and that the bride was simply stunning. Congradulations you two. See you at the reception.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

family reunion

Ahoy Mateys! The family reunion will be here soon. Let me know what days you will be coming so that I can plan meals. You will need a white t-shirt and levis for Saturdays pirate games. The rest of the costumes will be supplied at the reunion. Watch for more information on the meals. If you want pirate music to be listening to, let me know.