Saturday, July 19, 2008

family reunion

Ahoy Mateys! The family reunion will be here soon. Let me know what days you will be coming so that I can plan meals. You will need a white t-shirt and levis for Saturdays pirate games. The rest of the costumes will be supplied at the reunion. Watch for more information on the meals. If you want pirate music to be listening to, let me know.


stacy said...
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Jeanette said...

So you want to know some of what we are going to do at the reunion. Well on Saturday we are going to have crafts and games all day. You need to dress as pirates or you may be asked to walk the plank over the swarming sharks. To wet your whistle for crafts the boys will be building boats, the girls making necklaces. Families will be tye dying wooden picture frames to put their pirate pictures in. More to come. Keep watching the blog.

Jeff and Wendy said...

Hey there ye scurvy bunch of pirates. We are itching to get together with you sea dogs. Let us know what we need to do to help. We are going to set sail soon...

Jeanette said...

lease let me know what days each of you and your family members are going to be up at the family reunion, so that I can be planning food. We are down to a week, I hope you are looking forward to it. The treasure box is full of treasures. You have to play a game though to get a chance to peek inside and claim your prize.

Dawna said...

Hey, guys sorry I am a little slow jumping on the Pirate Ship! (J/K) Reese and I will be there the whole time not quite sure about Ry yet but will let you know as soon as we find out. Have a great day everyone!

Jeanette said...

I hope all of you are listening to your pirate music and getting prepared for the reunion. I hear that some of the music didn't work, let me know so that I can send you another one. sorry. Also don't forget to be making your pirate flag for your tent or trailer. It can be paper, material, or anything or size you want. You can put emblems on it that represent your family. Its up to you.
Look forward to getting you all to walk the plank

Jim and Tam J. :-} Smile said...

Yo Ho Yo HO!
We still can't wait!!!!

I even got my Pirate fingernails done this morning....


Jeff and Wendy said...


Brandon and Melissa will be coming up for a few hours Friday night and that is it for them.

I will be up the whole time. Jeff will not surface until sometime around noon on Saturday.

Hope this info helps.

Jeanette said...

Hope you old sea dogs are getting your sea legs eady. the rest of you land lubber might become shark bait unless you are ready with your flag and pirate accessories. We are getting close to weighin anchor.
keep watching for more info, to be posted when I am awake, which is not right now.
the wench Jeanette

Misty -N- Alan said...

Hi Everyone! Alan and I along with the kids will be up on Saturday. I don't believe that we are spending the night. Alan's surgery sort of through a loop in our plans.

Jeanette said...

Welcome aboard wench Misti, and land lubber Alan. Read the post to know more about Saturday. Love you scurvys.

Jeff and Wendy said...

Hey Wench Jeanette,

My group would like to know the food that we need to bring up to help out. I know that you are still working some things out, but we are loading up the ship tomorrow and want to put the right booty in the hold (if you know what I mean) we are glad to help with anything that is needed so please don't hesitate to ask.