Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby Ian

Ian went back to Primary Childrens Hospital. Let us all know what we can do to help.


TheFoxs said...

there isnt much to do to help. just keep him in ur prayers. he is on strong strong anitibiotcs to get it out of his little system. Little Ian is doing well for his condition. he is up playing adn eating normaly.
the docotrs are not letting him come home til it is cleared up this time. just have to run its course like most things.

Jeanette said...

Mom just told me that Ian was supposed to come home tonight. They have placed a pic line in him and will have home health come to give him IV's three times a day. Let me know if this is right Tami.

TheFoxs said...

it is true. little ian is home and has to have antibitocs 3 times a day. katie and richard learned how to do it and take care of him. thinks are good. he is still a strong little guy adn doing well.

Jim and Tam J. :-} Smile said...

He is home & doing good, he has been home since since Tuesday 22nd. They have to do an antibiotic 3 times a day through his picline, but other than that, he still hasn't been sickly at all. Never has had a Fever. He is up to 9lbs. 13 oz. now and 22 1/2 inches long.